Concept of Private Income, Personal Income and Personal Disposable Income.

The first requirement to understand this concept isto know how Net Domestic Product is Divided between Private sector and Government.

NDPfc can be divided in to two parts :- Part of NDPfc accruing to Private sector and Part of NDPfc accruing to Government Sector.

NDPfc = Part of NDPfc accruing to Private sector + Part of NDPfc accruing to Government Sector.

Part of NDPfc accruing to Government Sector = Savings of Non Departmental enterprises + Income of Government from Property and Entrepreneurship

Part of NDPfc accruing to Private sector = NDPfc - Part of NDPfc accruing to Government Sector.

Part of NDPfc accruing to Private sector = NDPfc – (Savings of Non Departmental enterprises + Income of government from Property and Entrepreneurship)

After getting through this concept now private Income can be calculated easily.

In order to determine Private Income you need to remember

Private Income= Part of NDPfc accruing to private sector +  Net factor Income from Abroad + Current Transfer from Government  + Net Current Transfer from Rest of World + Interest on Public Debt

Private Income= (NDPfc - Part of NDPfc accruing to Government) +  Net factor Income from Abroad + Current Transfer from Government  + Net Current Transfer from Rest of World + Interest on Public Debt

Private Income= NDPfc – (Savings of Non Departmental enterprises + Income of  government from Property and Entrepreneurship) +  Net factor Income from Abroad + Current Transfer from Government  + Net Current Transfer from Rest of World + Interest on Public Debt

This way private Income can be determined depending on the requirement of the situation.

·        Interest on public debt may be given as Interest on National Debt or Public debt Interest or National Debt Interest.

Now to determine Personal Income.

Personal Income = Private Income – Corporation Tax – Undistributed Profits
Undistributed Profits may be given as Net retained earnings of private sector enterprises or savings of private sector enterprises or corporate savings

Personal disposable Income = Personal Income- Direct tax paid by households – Miscellaneous receipts of Government administrative undertakings

Direct tax paid by household may be given as personal direct tax.

Gross National Disposable Income GNDI & NNDI

GNDI = GNPmp + Net Current Transfer from Rest of The World
GNDI = GNPmp + NCTrow

The GNPmp can be determined with the help of Given data and then by putting in the formula we will be able to determine Gross National Disposable Income. 
 If NDPfc is given
GNPmp = NDPfc + Depriciation +NFIFA + NIT

 If GDPfc is given
GNPmp = GDPfc + NFIFA + NIT 

NNDI = NNPmp + NCT row


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