Various test in statistics

1. Box jenkins- Forecasting

2. Unit root test- Stationarity 

3. Durbin Watson d test- serial correlation

4. Durbin h test- auto correlation in auto regressive model.

5. Granger test- Causality 

6. Goldfeld Quandt test - Heteroscedasticity 

7. Dicky fuller test- Stationarity 

8. F test- overall significance of regression

9. T distribution- Population parameters 

10. Chi sq test- Goodness of fit

11. Dummy variable- Qualitative effects

12. Theory of probability - Uncertain events

13. Sample - mini replica of population

14. Normal distribution - Symmetrical with almost total area with mean + - 30( Sig ma)

15.  R square.. goodness of fit of regression function.

16. Mean is greater than mode-  positively skewed distribution.

17. Mean is less than mode- negatively skewed.

18. Mean is greater than median- Positively skewed.

19. Type I error- Rejection of H0 when it is true.

20 Type II error- Accept H0 when it is false.


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